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"I come from a proud family that has been involved with public service before my family made America our new home. I want to work for you. We need to create more living wage jobs, improve our schools, and make public safety, a top priority. With nearly a decade of experience within the community, I know what it takes to find solutions, navigate the complicated governmental agencies, and get things done."

I support Public Education and I believe that with increased K-12 Education funding and wider access to early childhood education, Ohio can provide access to stronger public education.


Obtaining a college degree is imperative to securing a job in today's job market.  However, the cost of college tuition has increased, making the possibility of earning a college education unattainable for lower class citizens. I believe that every Ohioan should have access to high quality and affordable education. Therefore, I would support legislation that helps Ohioans achieve higher education degrees.


The healthcare and health insurance market is an incredibly complex industry with a multitude of issues that must be addressed in our lifetime. Regardless of costs, I believe that every Ohioan should have access to high quality, affordable health care. 


We need to provide better access to jobs for Ohioans by preparing them for the workforce. I would like to strengthen training programs to invest in education to prepare graduates for existing jobs in the workforce and union apprenticeships in the skilled trades.


My generation is currently the third generation in my family who has served the United States Armed Services. The transition back to civilian life can be difficult for combat veterans returning home and their families. Serving those that served our country should always be a priority of our state.


Opiate abuse and heroin addiction have reached every community in Ohio. Ohio has more opioid deaths than any other state in the country. Ohio is currently facing an opioid epidemic crisis. We must address this issue with comprehensive solutions such as investing in their access to drug addiction and mental health services.

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